IGF 2022 High-Level Track
High Level Session III: DIGITAL TRUST AND SECURITY - Tuesday 29 November, 13:50-15:50 UTC+3
Ms. Emma Theofelus
Honourable Emma Inamutila Theofelus is a young, 26-year-old Namibian born in Windhoek, Namibia and is currently a Member of Parliament and the Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in the Republic of Namibia.
Before her appointment, Honourable Emma was always policy adjacent and was a Youth Activist around issues of gender, children’s rights, sustainable development and youth unemployment. She served as the Deputy Speaker of the Youth Parliament of the Republic of Namibia and the Junior Mayor of the City of Windhoek amongst other roles. Hon. Emma holds an LLB Honours Degree from the University of Namibia, a diploma in Business Management from Amity University and a diploma in Afrikan Feminism and Gender Studies from the University of South Africa.
In her new role, Hon. Emma plans to better communicate the activities and programs of the Government of the Republic of Namibia and assisting preparing the Namibian nation for the 4th Industrial Revolution.